General Framework
Once transmission services are subscribed at Fluxys Belgium and/or Creos Luxembourg, requests for balancing services in the Belux Area can be submitted at Balansys and at the same time network user can prepare its operational readiness.
- In the BeLux area network users are sending nominations to the respective TSOs in Belgium (Fluxys Belgium) and in Luxembourg (Creos Luxembourg).
- Confirmations and detailed allocations per interconnection point or domestic point will be received from the relevant TSO.
- The relevant TSO’s will provide Balansys the aggregated allocation data of their grid per individual network user.
- Balansys will provide each network user with its individual and the market balancing data (aggregated data of all network users) of the entire BeLux area.
Links to websites: Fluxys Belgium – Creos Luxembourg

Market Thresholds for the BeLux Zone
Market Thresholds for the BeLux zone:

EDIG@S Messages
Defined to exchange balancing data on a standard way between Network Users and Balansys.
These messages have their specific structure. The following files provide a detail of Balansys messages with relevant information about how the different messages are set up.
Messages for the exchange of data between Network User and Balansys : Setup messages
Electronic Data Platform
Balansys offers network users access to its Electronic Data Platform (EDP). Balansys is for commercial, operational and regulatory purposes offering different access rights to its EDP:
- Public data is data made available without access restriction,
- Private data is data made available to a specific network user, with restricted use depending on the access rights granted to that user.
Links to the Electronic Data Platforms of: Balansys – Fluxys Belgium – Creos Luxembourg
How to get access to EDP?
The document ‘Technical Description & Requirements’ is at your disposal and helps you to create a ‘single point of contact’ (SPOC) and also describes the requirements you need to meet in order to do automatic downloads. A folder with samples (XSD-schema’s) of the downloadable reports (Downloads) is also available.
A user manual of the EDP itself has been developed to guide you through the application. Release notes which gives an overview of changes when there is a new update of EDP is also provided, as well as a list of product codes used in the invoices for Balansys.
- Technical Description & Requirements
- User Manual
- Release Notes (version 1.6)
- Explicative note on the changes related to the implementation of the new balancing settlement methodology
- Customer Product Code Balansys
- XSD format
Invoices on EDP
Information about invoices published on our EDP :
Contract Accounting – phone: +32 2 282 78 07
Questions regarding operational readiness: